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Monday, May 10, 2010

Care About People

Marketing Tip #1

People don't care how much you know, till they know how much you care. No matter WHAT product or service you sell...your customer HAS to feel that you genuinely care about them as a person, and that you have their best interests at heart, before currency is exchanged. That's probably why you started your business anyway, right? Because you saw a need to help people and you rose to the challenge.

The truth is, you can go on and on about how great your business many customers you have, how many awards you've won...but all they're thinking is "So what? What can you do for me?"

Get to know your clients. Ask important questions about them and be sincere. There's a really great book out right now that I've been reading called "Everyone Communicates. Few Connect." By one of my favorite Authors, John C. Maxwell. If you struggle in this area, I encourage you to read this book! You can learn to be a better connector.

When people sense that your motives are pure, and that you really care about them, in'll create a life long customer and friend.

So let's get over ourselves. Nobody is as impressed with us as we are. Let's start being impressed with others for a change...and watch your business grow!

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